Monday, June 30, 2008

Thing 9 (con.)

I'm starting to catch on to some real value of blogs now. They aren't all just the ramblings of the self-centered-I've found some that are real attempts to help others in a particular field. Technorati was the best tool for searching for blogs for me. I put in "music education" and found some that look good. I only investigated and saved 2 of these ( and, but I plan to go back. ONe of them was easy to add to my GoogleReader. The other didn't work quite the same way, so I'm going back to thing 8 and watching the video again. Sometimes I can't find the little icon for subscribing to the feed. I'm getting more engaged in this process and I'm learning a lot of new things, but it still takes so-o-o much time! I'm stopping now to work on quilts. That activity offers far less frustration!


Terry said...

If there isn't an RSS icon, just copy the address and then click the add subscription button in your google reader, paste the address, put it in a folder once it loads! I have never actually used the RSS buttons!

musicislife said...

Thanks. That helps.